Thursday, March 9, 2017

CAUTION: Kids at Work

Welcome to our Construction Site

Students were actively engaged all day!
Class Prep: 4 tables- each table was covered with plans, had a toolbox, crew assignment
Classroom: Huge box for the house- labeled with each Task, caution tape, brought tools from home- Thanks to my Fabulous Husband) had construction sounds playing in the background
I had a hat and vest for each student to wear as well

Each student was assigned a group.  Each group had a Crew Leader that would be in charge of the task.  The Crew Leader had to pass out materials, monitor the group and could only ask me questions.  After each task, the Crew Leader chose a new Crew Leader based upon how well they worked with the group. The Crew Leader also had to check on the steps that the crew completed and sign their name on the plans.

Task 1(Foundation): Match lower case letters to upper case and write the letters on paint strips and glue to designed area on the house.


Task 2 (Framing the Walls)- Sight Words- Each group was given a spinner and legos with letters.  Students would spin the spinner and create a sight word based on how many letters the spinner landed on.  They would then glue this to the house in their designated area.

Task 3 (Creating CVC words): Students had to reached into a bag and choose a picture and cute the pipe pieces to spell the word and then write the CVC word on a brick. They applied it to the designated area on the house.


Task 4 (Creating Magic "E" words):  Students had to roll dice and write down the word on a brick and apply it to the house in the designated area.

Task 5 (put sentences together for roof): Each student was given a bag with a sentence that was cut apart on wood pieces.  They had to put the sentence in the correct order and write it on a sentence strip.

Task 6 ( create addition and subtraction problems to outline the windows): Each student was given a sentence strip with a + and -.  They had to create 2 problems.

Task 7 (address for the house): We did this as a class.  We had 4 numbers and had to organize smallest to largest.

*If a Crew finished early, they were given a postcard to write to the character that they THINK is living in the house. We will open the house up tomorrow!

We waited patiently for our Inspector to come and check our work.  If our house received the certificate, they got a treat- a rice krispie treat with colored icing to look like a paint brush)