Sunday, October 9, 2016

Project Based Learning: Communities

Have you heard of PBL?  I began researching Project Based Learning this past summer and I was intrigued at the amount of Student - Led learning that was incorporated into each project.
Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.   PBL allows students more ownership of their learning.   We all know that TTESS is the new teaching appraisal in Texas and the state is looking for lessons to be more student led vs. teacher led.

I will be honest and tell you that you must PLAN PLAN and PLAN.  Just like any other good lesson you need to be well prepared before you present it to the students.  My team did a great job of brainstorming ideas and how the students would execute the project.   I was a bit nervous not knowing how the kindergartners would respond to the research  but with great planning and discussion amongst our Team it worked out GREAT!  I was able to walk around and monitor and prompt questions in each group.

Here is a glimpse look at our first PBL: Communities

 We discussed all different types of Maps and why they are important.  We then began plotting our own Map of our Community.

 After assigning jobs, we began researching.  I assigned a team leader to be in charge of clicking the enter button for the PowerPoint (Mrs. Heinze created- Thank you).  At the end, a YouTube video was embedded about their job.  They also looked at books and then recorded their findings on paper.  We shared with the class.

 Each student brought in their model and explained their materials used and showed a drawing of their model.  

 We looked back at our plot to make sure we were placing our models in the correct space.

 We voted on a name for our community.

(Thank you Mrs. Munster's Class)

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